I did not expect this.
I did not plan this.
Yet, perhaps, that is where the beauty lies.

One year ago today, I stopped training for a half-marathon. 
Yet, little did I know, a far more difficult trek lay ahead of me; and, for this, 
I had not been fully trained.
Or, trained at all.

One year ago today, my work as a paid teacher would come to a halt.
I had been teaching at a superlative school ("Pathways"), alongside remarkable coworkers, management, and volunteers, with a group of students whose joy is, certainly, unsurpassed.

One year ago today, my work as a youth & worship volunteer would come to a halt.
I had been volunteering at a supportive and sound church 
("The Kirk of the Hills"), under the encouragement of the Student Ministries Director, Senior High Youth Pastor, and Mid-High Youth Pastor.
I worked and volunteered alongside some of the most talented, creative, outspoken, electric, and inspiring group of young adults I have ever had the privilege of meeting and calling my friends.
Yes, I am pleased to say, even beyond a Facebook friendship.

One year ago today, I left my best friend, my close group of friends, the many amazing acquaintances I had encountered along the way, and the city in which, however unknowingly, had enriched and stolen 5 years of my life.

One year ago today, I made the wide-eyed and audacious decision to leave 
all that I had come to know and all that I had come to love.
I was going to move to another city.
I was going to move to, even, another country.
With, very little finances and only 4 other people;
 who, were just as green as I.

However, I chose to leave.
And, I chose to love.
Strangers chose to leave with me.
And, they chose to love me as well.
In that, my life will forever be changed.

That story, however, is not what I want to pull your attention to today.
For now, anyway.

One year later.
One year after that initial wide-eyed and audacious step,
I reside not in the place I had hoped.
I work not at the job I had hoped.
I think not the thoughts I had hoped.
I speak not the words I had hoped.
I live not the life I had hoped.

This journey, unforeseen.
This treacherous and unilluminated valley, unexpected.
This uncertainty, doubt, and confusion, unparalleled.
Yet, today, as I ran, I found an unanticipated glimmer of hope.
Or, rather, hope found me.

As I was struggling through my last half-mile, He ran alongside.
Out of nowhere, He started running beside me.
He told me to not give up.
To never give up.
He pointed out the places on the road He knew I would struggle and want to stop;
and, that I was to prepare for them.
Slow down.
Let the even and downward portions be of preparation.
Slow down.
Enjoy them.
Take your time.
When the hills come, 
When you want to quit,
When you think you have nothing left to give,
You will have the strength.
I Am here.

Write while amidst the chaos.
Write your experiences.
Speak your story.
Sing your journey.

Don't stop.
Don't give up.
Keep running.
You will make it.

I won't.
I won't give up.
I promise.

:Let The Journey Continue:
Judy Whitworth
5/9/2013 02:43:35 pm

Thank you for your candidness and openness. This season is quite unsettling, I'm sure. In fact, I do know it is because I've been in similar places. The thing to do in such a place is to keep on being steadfast in walking with God. Talk to Him. Be in the Word. Live the ordinariness of life and keep your eyes open for what He is doing in and through you. Dreaming is good. Use it to direct your awake prayer life and goal setting. It's going to be interesting to see where God leads you. Judy


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    :Who I Am:

    I love people. I love expanding my perceptions of life in general. I am constantly "studying" people and their beliefs, religions, lifestyles, characteristics, pasts, dreams, habits, instincts, perceptions, and hopes...simply, I am building relationships with as many people as I can; while, seeking Truth.
     I'm in love with Christ. I love to see His characteristics, His love, and His dreams instilled within people. I love to travel and am carrying my cross to countries where His life is not known. It is my goal to live a life for Him in every aspect possible. I do not believe that God can be kept in a box, on Sundays, on Wednesday nights, or be kept within without His light shining through. My goal is to love people and to shine even in the darkest of places.


    April 2013
    August 2012
    July 2012
    June 2012
    May 2012

