Well, it is Sunday morning; and, I am back in our lounge room. On the same couch. Sitting in the same seat. Without any coffee in hand. That needs to change. However, I did want to write to you concerning a much larger change that needs to take place.
On Saturday the 7th of July, Charles, Ryan, Jonathan, Vanessa, and myself attended a training day under the organization "STOP THE TRAFFIK" (Yes, it is purposefully spelled differently). Getting up early enough to take the very long Tube ride to the opposite side of the city was a small challenge in and of itself; nonetheless, I kicked everyone into gear ;) We quickly grabbed breakfast-to-go and headed out for a day of...well, we didn't exactly know for sure at that point. We simply knew there was an organization that had a heart to see trafficking expunged from the world; and, we knew we wanted to be a part of that.

Consequently, we journeyed to a portion of the city where none of us had gone before. Adventure. Luckily, right across from our destination Tube station was the church we needed to find. We walked in, signed-in, were handed some pamphlets and leaflets, grabbed some complimentary tea or coffee and some biscuits, and then found an empty pew on the south side of the sanctuary. 

The day seemed to come and go as quickly as the sunshine tends to here in London. There were people we were introduced to who were in positions of authority within the city of London itself; and, even the mayor of London sent a personal video to "STOP THE TRAFFIK" in thanking them for all that they have done for their city. Once the shock of titles was accomplished, we spent the next two hours learning about the heart of "STOP THE TRAFFIK" and what our roles were to be over the following two months. The informational lectures were certainly exciting; however, they were equally depressingly daunting. 

Trafficking encompasses such a wide spectrum of life: Disadvantaged. Malnutrition. Starvation. Impoverishment. Irresponsibility. Impassivity. Hopelessness. Desperation. Trust. Hopeful expectations. Circumstantial opportunities. Exploitation. Deception. Cold-hearted covetousness. Remorseless selfishness. Enslavement. Apprehensiveness. Implementation. Investigations. Rescue. Compassion. Empathy. Rehabilitation. Emancipation. Liberation. Healing.

What is happening?
People groups around the world are impoverished, disadvantageous, malnourished, and undergoing starvation.

Why is this happening? 
Because of OUR lack of responsibility. Our impassivity. Our unresponsiveness. Our unconcern.

What does that result in?
Their hopelessness. Their desperation. They trust and have hopeful expectations for presented circumstantial opportunities.

Why are these "opportunities" presented?
Because these people groups and families can be easily exploited and deftly deceived. The cold-hearted, remorseless, selfish, and inhumane people capitalize on their enslavement.

What needs to happen?
 WE need to become apprehensive on the behalf of other people. WE need to implement that fear and concern; so that, it brings about advantageous action. Authorities, investigators, and organizations work off of the information provided to them. WE are their eyes and ears. 
OUR compassion and empathy can aid in the RESCUE, rehabilitation, emancipation, and liberation of millions of modern slaves.
WE can aid in their healing.

Please visit: http://www.stopthetraffik.org/ to see how you can start making a much needed difference.
We chose to make a stand.

Let the journey continue.

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    :Who I Am:

    I love people. I love expanding my perceptions of life in general. I am constantly "studying" people and their beliefs, religions, lifestyles, characteristics, pasts, dreams, habits, instincts, perceptions, and hopes...simply, I am building relationships with as many people as I can; while, seeking Truth.
     I'm in love with Christ. I love to see His characteristics, His love, and His dreams instilled within people. I love to travel and am carrying my cross to countries where His life is not known. It is my goal to live a life for Him in every aspect possible. I do not believe that God can be kept in a box, on Sundays, on Wednesday nights, or be kept within without His light shining through. My goal is to love people and to shine even in the darkest of places.


    April 2013
    August 2012
    July 2012
    June 2012
    May 2012

