Well, it has been awhile since the last time I wrote. For those of you who know me, you know that my memory is not the greatest. Therefore, I will do my best to recount the activities of the last 3 days. Heh. 

Let’s see, highlight:

I got lost in London. By myself. Without a phone. Or, without a way to contact my team. At all. It was great. Luckily, by that time I understood the Tube (Subway) system and routes. Here’s the story:

It was either our 2nd or 3rd day of sightseeing around London. Well, there aren’t any public “free-use” bathrooms here evidently; and, I have a small bladder. So, we were going from exhibit to exhibit, drinking coffee and water, without any sign of a public restroom in many of the places we visited. Well, I started to feel very sick and had to go. Bad. I am waiting and waiting and, finally, I can’t wait anymore. Everyone seems to be moving ever so slowly, at a snails pace, no one (wether stranger or friend) has change for .50pence to actually use the public restroom. So, I finally lose patience and the ability to “hold it”. And, not so intelligently, I simply take off into the city looking for any signs of a public (free) restroom. I have no idea where I’m going. I have no idea how far I’ll have to walk. I have no idea how I will find my team again. None of that actually goes through my mind. I just gotta go. Somewhere. I actually end up going through another exhibit, finding a bathroom, looking around for my team, not finding them, and catching the Tube to another part of the city to see if they continued on with the regular itinerary. 

I head to a different part of the city, hoping I’m going in the right direction, hoping my team didn’t stay in the old location or decide to go home, and hoping that I will eventually hear someone speaking English. We are in England for crying out loud! Irrelevant I suppose. I get off the Tube, walk a long ways trying to find a certain exhibit; no luck. So, I take off for Shakespeare's Globe Theatre...my last hope. I go around the backside, try to get in but get turned down at the gate. I decide to wait along the waterside and see if they decide to show up. I had just stood up and was thinking about heading around the front side of the building when...I see them. Finally! With a few jokes, many sighs of relief, and many biting sarcastic remarks and looks made, we are finally a team again. 3 hours sure seems like a long time when one is by themselves in a large and unfamiliar city. Let the journey continue.

Sam Uglow
5/24/2012 08:06:50 am

Been there. Alleys are always your best bet.

6/13/2012 02:37:16 am

While this experience was undoubtedly disconcerting, it is a good thing to have experienced. Nothing like knowing that no one on earth knows where I am, but God does. And that is enough.


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    :Who I Am:

    I love people. I love expanding my perceptions of life in general. I am constantly "studying" people and their beliefs, religions, lifestyles, characteristics, pasts, dreams, habits, instincts, perceptions, and hopes...simply, I am building relationships with as many people as I can; while, seeking Truth.
     I'm in love with Christ. I love to see His characteristics, His love, and His dreams instilled within people. I love to travel and am carrying my cross to countries where His life is not known. It is my goal to live a life for Him in every aspect possible. I do not believe that God can be kept in a box, on Sundays, on Wednesday nights, or be kept within without His light shining through. My goal is to love people and to shine even in the darkest of places.


    April 2013
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