Taxis, airplanes, a ship, a rented car, busses, trains, the Tube, and walking...lots of walking....and, WE MADE IT! We are officially living here in West Finchley, London. THANK YOU ALL for your prayers, for your financial support, and for your willingness to  share in this mission experience with us! We definitely still need your prayers and support; however, we are excited to see what God is going to do while we are here and are expecting great things. 

Here are a few highlights from our travels to London:

Ryan Graham and myself drove from Tulsa to Dallas and attended the wedding of two of our teammates: Jonathan Collins and Vanessa Johnston. From there, Chuck Fowler, Ryan, and myself flew from Dallas to Houston to Miami. Stayed in Miami for the night and loaded onto the “Jewel of the Seas” ship the following day.

Our time on the ship was certainly surreal. It was definitely a mini multi-cultural hub for people from across the world. The origins, the accents, and the destinations of the people were very interesting and diverse. We met many great people, built relationships with people that are sure to last, had the opportunity to set foot on 3 separate cities we had never been to, and had our own perspectives of “outreach and missions” broadened due to the unfamiliarity of the whole situation. 

We were assigned the same Dinner Table (#449) every night with the same table-mates. I grew to absolutely love every single person at that table. It really is amazing how God continues to work even when we least expect him to. Our Table had, evidently, grown to have the reputation for the fun, spontaneous, and great people table. Haha. Through the stories of my table mates, many more people (that I myself have not even met), know of the friendly and contagiously hysterical gay couple with the large/green Alien man, the three thick accents of the New Yorkers and the three young men. The quiet one who seems to not talk at all. The one with the crazy bleach stain on his head that can be spotted from across the ship. And, the one with the rat braid that always has a camera in his hand. 

Overall, it was certainly a great learning experience.

Having finally pulled into port, we took the train to Liverpool where we met up with Jon and Nessa who lead us back to our "home" in West Finchley. Let the journeys continue.

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    :Who I Am:

    I love people. I love expanding my perceptions of life in general. I am constantly "studying" people and their beliefs, religions, lifestyles, characteristics, pasts, dreams, habits, instincts, perceptions, and hopes...simply, I am building relationships with as many people as I can; while, seeking Truth.
     I'm in love with Christ. I love to see His characteristics, His love, and His dreams instilled within people. I love to travel and am carrying my cross to countries where His life is not known. It is my goal to live a life for Him in every aspect possible. I do not believe that God can be kept in a box, on Sundays, on Wednesday nights, or be kept within without His light shining through. My goal is to love people and to shine even in the darkest of places.


    April 2013
    August 2012
    July 2012
    June 2012
    May 2012

